Sunday, January 25, 2009

Pumkin Bonds

Concentrating on Tv... ok we don't let Mia watch Tv, but the tennis was on!

Yeah!! Federer wins!!

Mommy & No.2

Lunch at Ken's place

About to go out somewhere... haha chubbby cheekksss!!!

Splashing Around

I think Mia will be a good swimmer! But that doesnt matter...she's gona play tennis! haha

King Kong

King Kong taking care of Mia.

Another BBQ...

Mia enjoying the outdoors and lovin the attention she gets

Kev practicing how to nurse...

The boys

Mia lunching as well

Gi (muscles) doing all the cooking.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Opera House

Cruising before watching Le Grande Cirque