We left China with fond memories and continued our adventures in Korea. It was sad to leave China coz we had met so many good people, but we were also excited coz we couldn't wait to live in a clean hotel! So it was another three hour flight back to Korea...
Ed was hammered as you can see... well I don't blame him, coz we only had an average of 5hrs sleep everyday for the past two weeks. I was on a high I tell you... I keep the flame burning!

Kinson and Yumi arrived into Incheon Airport just after us, and soon we made our way to the hotel to check in and familiarise ourselves with the area.

Hotel Provista is where we stayed for the duration of our Korean adventure. I must say it was a very snuggly hotel, but the stupid thing was that we didn't take advantage of room service. But we didnt want them to know that there's five people staying when there's only suppose to be two. Yes it looked like a disaster but the important thing was that we were still comfortable!

Gandalf and two Hobbits

Pulease!! Ed told us not to get lost... I told them not to lose me!

This was cool... we had baseball nets right opposite our hotel. So when we felt like hitting some homers, it'l only cost us 500 won (70 cents) for a round of 20.

Nam was so happy to re-unit with his homeland, he celebrated and went nutters with bottles of Soju everyday! This stuff is creepers. I mean you can drink a lot of it and think its nothing, but then boom! You are officially KO.
While you walk through the busy streets, you would often see tents set up. And here is us at one of the tents. We called it "tent food" coz they would have heaps of hot snacks to munch on. And tent food were convenient especially at 5am and hung over!

Thats all we need!
Wowa! This meal was orgasmic... doesn't look all that but I tell you, gives you a good kick. They call it dockpocky. Hahah... I think!?!

Apparently they eat this in the Army! Good Kim Chi too I must add.

I guess the hunt was over...

Mmmm... the reason why we would be drinking alcohol like its mumma's milk is because Koreans traditionally eat while they drink. So you won't get intoxicated as quick. Great thinkin 99!

This bar was alright, drinks were cheap and food was mouth watering!

How beautiful is this? So many lights around us, while we pub crawl through the minus 13 degrees winter.

Spiderman asking us for a black eye
For your own imagination...

This place was awesome. We spent heaps playing, and this is where I won Astro Boy!

There were times I was desparately craving chicken!! And whenever I had the craving damn thing would be closed. Left me going insane outside!!!

One of the nightclubs in Kangnam
Poeple don't sleep here... gotta love the nightlife

Its that time of the year again!

Roaming the busy streets of Seoul in search for supermodels

Some days we would go the to department stores and stroll around like lost tourists.

One day we went to play four ball. Its a Korean pool game with no pockets (?). Your aim is to try get your ball to hit both the red balls without touching the opponent ball... get me? Anyways we played just to pass time, but we became hooked on the game and started putting money on the line.

Min Jin and yes that's me cheesing. Why not I asked myself? Take every opportunity that goes by... that's what I say!

Nam, Min Sook and Ed... I don't remember the amount of soju we drank in that bar, but it felt like we had just fought the North Korean Army!

... So our squadron crawed to shelter. This is NB (Noise Basement), a well known club in Seoul. Its seriously packed on every night of the week, so the chances of you touching ass will be pretty close to 100 per cent. And I cant help but say... they love it!
The rape juice hit us with full effect...!
Anyways Ed has something to add:
"Do you know what a lawn mower sounds like? The sound of a sharp mechanism ripping through grass over and over again, the trademark 'VICTOR', the red lawn mower eating everything in its path. Well, I saw this victor at its work, and his name is Nam. Nothing can describe this machine, he grinds like no tommorow, he is like a storm...
This is how the story goes. Gav, Nam and I ... as we are boys, were out on an adventure trying to hunt some punani. We headed down to "DANCO" a korean night club, not a club, but a place where you can dance and drink and get local girls to come sit next to you and talk. Its a crazy place but a bit expensive.. say... $300 aussie dollars to have a night.. with drinks, and yet not enough to get you drunk. Well we went to danco and got some numbers... As the days went past, we were bored and were playing korean pool and decided to call these numbers, not knowing their faces. It was like gambling, taking the chance to meet these girls not knowing their face.. sorta like a present. Excited when their still wrapped up but it also can demolish your expectations once you have opened it. Well the girls we met wern't bad, and it also passed the gav-ometer, where Gav gave the clear that they were ok. (Not that this indication was relevant, since Gav does the "ok" to anything that walks and talks and has a cush to push).
Anyways, to keep this whole story shorter, we had a few drinks at a bar. Left that bar, went to another, until it was 5:30am, and no bars were opened. So one of the girls wanted to go drink more at our hotel, more like our shack. Don't get me wrong.. the hotel was nice and all.. but after a few days and nights, with 4 guys living in it with out a service it was more like an indian resturant, left-right and center, stinks and was dirty. But we didnt give two fuks, we go mite as well keep the night rolling. At this point in time, i didnt go for these two girls, Gav was virtually married to one of em, and the other, was like an older sister. But in Nams eyes, she was juicy, green asa ripe apple all ready to pick and was ready for a trim. As we tumbled out of the bar, they were goneskis, nam kept offering to hold the girls bag as if it was a piece of meet, and he was some somalian kid. Like who in a stright persons mind, wants to hold a hand bad, especiallyfor a girl that theyve met in like 5 hours time. Well if that was nams tactic to get her... hmmmm.
Well off we went to the cab, which we stayed in the cab for literally, like... say 1 minute.cause thats how lazy we were.. In the hotel, all was good, nam trying to aid her in his arms, but as i was around the roomshe kept talking to me. Not getting big headed or anything... I got the sign that I had a chance, which woke me up.. So I tested it out.. went off to the other side of the room, where the window was, i just stayed there taking in some sweet polluted fresh korean air, and to mysuprise she was doing the same, so I was talking to her for a while. say on my bed and she wascomplimenting on how good my bed was, how my springs were the best and how it was where she was going to sleep. At that moment, i knew i could do something.... Nothing naughty, but..express some love... haehaehae 1 hour later, about to sleep.. lights off.. Gav and his wife already sleeping on my left andim in my bed where nam was lying down 1 metre to my right. The girl comes out of the bathroomready to lie down in this 1 metre empty spot, where all of a sudden, i felt a gush of wind..and smack! Bang, Nam was within 30cm to me, and left the girl looking clueless...
To my suprise I was a stunned mullet, I couldnt help but laugh of stress!!! he goes to her in korea" you sleep here" and makes her sleep on his right, cutting me off.. the motherfu&*#$/...No words can express what I felt that minute.. I just felt like turning on the lights and screaming..." Shut the FUkc Uppp,,, Get the fUck bak to this side,..!!"But it didnt happen, I just laid it off... After that, I will let your imagination take you on a journey... hehehae"
Ok Ed... I do have standards, I was not married to her and I sincerely apologise on Nams behalf, coz that was pretty darn bad!! hahah!

Harlem is another club which is directly opposite NB

On one of the days we went to Lotte World! The Disney Land of Korea. A theme park that was half inside the department store and half outside.

Koreas largest export... Rameon (?), thats two minute noodles in english.

The indoor section of Lotte world

And the ceiling... down below was an ice skating rink, so it was pretty awesome

The shooting range... we got our hands on the barreta, and these are our results. So I guess you can get away from Kinson and Nam, but slim chances from me!

Marcus and Mike Lowry in... Bad boys, bad boys, whatcha gona do!

Three chinese people in Korea's freezing cold!

Some river in Seoul

They made me take a photo of this coz they thought I wasn't taking enough pictures.

The Christmas vibe was still around. I love a lot of lights... keeps me able when I feel like I"m about to pass out!

We had to take a picture with lil Kim Jong Il

Inside a club... bartenders flaring

Smack dat!

I told you... seriously packed

Don't know how many tequilas Nam had, but I think he had one too many. Ed working on something.

Chinese whispers...

Argh! Thats me in bed resting after injuring myself from taking a jump off a 5 metre ramp... Don't ask me...!

So they decided to bring the party back home

Ed KTFO with my Astro Boy

Kinson joined in with the alcohol consumption

And Astro Boy too needed to re-energize

Yumi, was happy to just smell it

A fight broke out during the party... One like the Iraqis against the Palestine! Imagine if I wasn't crippled...

Our room from upstairs

This night was really not meant to be. I mean I was critically injured and basically crippled. And these mofos came home with few of the locals we've gotten to know, and also a pallet load of alcohol! Their look on their eyes gave me no option but to join the festivities and the alcohol consumption. This was our last night in Korea, so I guess it had to be a big one. I was scared, coz I didnt have an apetite during the past coupla days so I knew the liks would really put me into a coma.
The morning aftermath, our room looked like a brothel! And we had only hours to tidy everything up, pack, and get ready to go to the airport.
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